Victor R. Siegel, DDS

Rockville Cosmetic Dentistry Giving Thanks

Nov 25, 2009 @ 11:06 AM — by SEO Admin
Tagged with: General Events

These are our thoughts this Thanksgiving from our Rockville Cosmetic Dentistry office by Dr. Victor R. Siegel and staff. The Last Thursday in November In October of 1863, in the midst of a civil war that tested the very existence of our country, President Abraham Lincoln, at the urging of the noted editor and writer Sarah J. Hale, issued a proclamation that the last Thursday in November be set aside as a national day of Thanksgiving and Praise to our beneficent Father who dwelleth in the Heavens. Up to then, Thanksgiving was mainly celebrated in New England, with each state setting its own date. Of course, the first Thanksgiving was celebrated by the Pilgrims of Plymouth Rock in 1621. Ultimately, it was due to Franklin D. Roosevelt and Congress in 1941, that the holiday was changed to be celebrated on the third Thursday in November. And so it is that we are thankful that our practice is blessed in that we continue to grow, we have a fantastic staff, we have fantastic patients who in turn refer other fantastic patients and for that we are eternally grateful. From all of us at Rockville Cosmetic Dentistry office of Dr. Victor R. Siegel, DDS, may you enjoy a peaceful, healthy and happy Thanksgiving. Here is an inspirational little video we found on YouTube about the First Thanksgiving At this time we would like to announce that our office will be conducting a food drive for the remainder of the holiday season. Please bring your non-perishable food donations to the donation box in our lobby and we will deliver it to our local food banks. Thank you.