Mouth Guards for Athletes
When it comes to the safety of athletes, protective gear can make all the difference when preventing a serious injury. While most athletes are careful about wearing gear to protect their head and body, it is equally important that the mouth be protected as well. A mouth guard protects the teeth and soft tissues of the mouth to prevent oral damage. Because general dentistry services are designed to preserve the health and structure of the mouth, Dr. Victor R. Siegel offers custom mouth guards to athletes in the Rockville area. Custom mouth guards are superior in both fit and comfort to those that can be bought over-the-counter at athletic or convenience stores.
Benefits of Mouth Guards
Dental mouth guards should be considered a vital piece of protective gear for all athletes, whether they participate in contact sports or are involved in other athletic events such as bicycling or skating. Studies comparing the injuries of those athletes who were wearing dental mouth guards and those who were not have consistently shown the risk of injury for those athletes who were not wearing mouth guards is almost two times greater than those who were wearing the protective mouth piece.
Mouth guards can protect the teeth and soft tissues of the mouth, and it is theorized that properly fitted mouth guards can prevent the incidence of concussion and/or reduce the severity of these injuries. Mouth guards are beneficial in protecting athletes from an injury to the head, mouth, or face because they offer a resilient surface on which the force of an impact can be dissipated and evenly distributed. All of this serves to reduce the severity of an injury and prevent dental problems such as a chipped, cracked, or fractured tooth, a “dead” tooth, or cuts and abrasions to the inner cheeks, lips, or tongue.
Why Opt for a Custom Mouth Guard?
The key component of ensuring maximum protection from a mouth guard is proper fit. The best way to ensure that a mouth guard fits properly is to have it custom made to the exact specifications of your mouth. A mouth guard that is bought over-the-counter, even one that is made to mold to the teeth, just cannot get a fit that is as comfortable and secure as a custom-made mouth piece. Dr. Siegel takes careful measurements and molds of the teeth and mouth to ensure that each mouth guard will fit comfortably and securely so that the mouth is protected to maximum capacity. This also ensures the most natural fit, which allows athletes to protect their mouth without interfering with personal comfort.
Schedule an Appointment
If you are an athletic person, it is important to protect yourself in the event of an accident or injury. A custom mouth guard can offer a cushion of protection for the mouth that can prevent or minimize injuries to the teeth and soft tissues of the mouth. Schedule an appointment with Dr. Victor R. Siegel at your earliest convenience to learn more about the benefits of a custom mouth guard. We look forward to hearing from you!